Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Paradox

I believe there are different kinds of friends. Different types, different levels if you will. I'm not saying any particular level is bad or anything, but just your level of comfort and trust. I want to say a few words on the closest level of friendship I know.

This is the type of friend who happens to show up when you need them. When you need to have that chat, or have a hug at just the right moment, or randomly says something positive that's connected to the thing you've been thinking/stressing about just moments before.

This type of friend is the type that is closer than a brother. Somehow they're spiritually or emotionally connected enough to instinctively be the right thing at the right time for you. In my experience this crosses genders, musical interest, cultural background, life background, inexplicable, but just is. They don't even know what you need, but it just happens.

I love this type of friend. This is the type of friend that at the end of the conversation, you feel all talked out, all emptied out, but yet strangely full. You feel completed somehow in a way that you perhaps haven't in a long time. So here's to friends.

There's a wise proverb that I love. It says this: "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin; but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother."

When all is said and done, when cliches are at an end, when death or his friends visit your door, when you need a moment to laugh or cry, one thing remains. Love. So, here is to a friend. When you're done talking to them, you feel empty of all the bad, and filled up with the good. To the ultimate paradox.

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