Saturday, August 27, 2011

What color do you wear?

What happens when someone is positive? What happens to a person when all they've believed is negativity about them? Do words actually affect us that much?

Do words actually have the power to change someone's thoughts and life? I realize I'm asking a lot of questions here. So now i'm going to answer them how I think.

It is amazing to me how one's feelings are affected by other's words. If something you truly believe in gets attacked by others, even if you completely believe in it, it leaves you feeling somehow betrayed. The well known cliche'd saying "stabbed in the back" is something that actually feels real. Somehow, you end up feeling betrayed by this.

On the other side of this coin, (i'm not ashamed at all to use a few cliched statements) when someone is positive, something happens in that person's self belief. No matter what it is, if you show interest in what they're passionate about, it adds value to that person's opinion and belief and thus to themselves.

In conclusion on this random collection of my thoughts, I believe that optimism and positivity are incredibly underrated. Either underrated or misunderstood. One can never be too positive. The worst that can happen is something different happens, but then something positive can still be found out of that situation.

So, keep positive in everything. Look for the positive in anything. Wear those rose colored glasses with pride and don't let anyone's negativity trump how awesome you see the world.

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