Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is Sparta

I much love this movie. If you haven't seen it, recommend it as a must see action guy macho man flick before you die. Nay, I say the sooner the better. Go rent it out tomorrow or today if you can. The thing I love about this movie more than anything is the comradeship. More than the intense battle scenes, the rocking soundtrack, the bold king Leonidas, I love the comradeship. Everything for them rises and falls on this.

I'm reminded every day in life, to be alone is to fail; to die. One must have fellows, comrades, buddies, bros to keep one stepping out in life. If you have no one to back you up, you die so easily. If you have no one to challenge you on how you act, you will become one sorry lonely old bad dude. If you have no one to share amazing moments with you, you soon get depressed and lonely.

In the movie 300, it was literally their comradeship that saved them. If they didn't have good men to back them up, they would have been singled out and destroyed. Their entire battle strategy was dependent on that.

King Leonidas himself says this: "In the end, a Spartan's true strength is the warrior next to him. So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you."

When your life is on the line, that is when you know you need your fellow comrade. This is common sense. To know you need him before that point, that is great wisdom.

In the end, I would have my friends, my comrades be able to share the same sentiment as King Leonidas and one of his men.

(With arrows penetrating his body) Stelios: It's an honor to die at your side.
King Leonidas: It's an honor to have lived at yours.

This is not Sparta. This is life

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