Wednesday, September 14, 2011

GO YOU MIGHTY (team name here)

With the awesome rugby tournament happening at the moment, I have started to wonder. Why is it that we get so passionate about sport? Why are there huge celebrations when our team succeeds, and sometimes riots when they fail? What is it that connects so well with our inner person that happens when we get involved in a simple game? Well as this blog is called "My Thoughts as Words," I will put those thoughts down for you to read.

I personally do buy hugely into sports, especially rugby. Some sports don't seem to make sense to me, some seem completely stupid. But with each major sport in the world, there are fans that sometimes reach the point of fanaticism with their team. I love my local rugby team, and my national rugby team, the mighty ABs (WHOOOOOOH!!) I get excited when they do well, when they win, I'm ecstatic; when they lose, sometimes I have to work hard to make it so i don't get majorly depressed.

I think the reason we are so involved in sports as part of our culture is that we want something greater than ourselves to align ourselves with. We have emotions, and we want to connect those emotions with something that makes us feel. When we get fully involved in supporting a sports team, we have similar emotions to those on the field or in the arena. We love being champions, and they give us a chance to be champions alongside them. When they lose and we see it effect them emotionally, we feel those emotions too. When we see a decision go against them unfairly, we ourselves feel slighted. When they win a huge struggle, and we see all their hard work pay off, we want to dance and cry and celebrate with them.

We all feel like we need a champion, and we need have something great along with ourselves. This is why I love sports. GO YOU MIGHTY ALL BLACKS! GO YOU GOOD THING!

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