Sunday, March 16, 2014

Enjoy The Little Things

Once I realized the truth that comes with responsibility, that age comes with new knowledge and new issues, I began to wish to myself and hope that life would become simpler. It always seemed to escalate. This issue happens and I think it's the worst thing ever to come along, then the next thing happens and I wonder how I thought the last thing was so bad, so on and so forth. While it may not necessarily happen exponentially, it does seem to increase.

Ah, the simple life. That time as a child when it all seemed so complicated when really, all I had to worry about was keeping my room clean and not getting too many smacks for picking on my sisters. It all was so unfair! Then as I got older and issues got bigger, I started realizing that life is a lot more complex than my 5 year old brain had comprehended. Time happened, years came and went, and all of a sudden I find myself as a responsible adult with all these adult sized challenges.

What I have come to realize in my supreme current wisdom (which in a few days to a few years I will come to know is just another level of simplicity to overcome) is that life doesn't get simpler. Life becomes adapt or die. Life pushes you beyond that point that you once were and gives you the opportunity to become more weathered and wise than you ever were before. The simplicity doesn't increase as time goes on, only the ability to cope with the new things.

It's not all bad news, 5 year old me. There are joys that one gets with increased age as well. It's just that those joys are as complex as the challenges that come along. Sometimes the joys and challenges get together and contribute to each other, sometimes they are completely separate from each other. Life gets good, you little rascal. You get good too. Just never simple.

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