Saturday, October 8, 2011

Simply some words

So much going on inside my head. So much sadness, confusion, sympathy, wanting to care, but hurting to care at the same time. Why do things sometimes have to be so hard? It’s like all the good times have saved up the bad times and chucked them as hard as they can in one giant mud slinging assassination attempt. At times like these words coming out of my head make one feel better. I apologise for it coming out so convoluted, but this time it’s more about getting feelings onto webpage than actually making sense.

I find it sad when life so young gets cut short. You should have lived so much longer, and happier, and made more memories with those people that love you. Because I tell you right now, they loved you more than you dreamed. This sadness has spread so much, and affected so many people. I don’t blame you, infact I’m sad that you aren’t here. It would be so much simpler if you were.

I find it sad when people think that no one cares to the point where they think they’re all alone. Not just to the tragic point where some outcomes have been taken, but even those who live life alone. There are people who want to help you. It’s a thing put inside of us to help you. And it’s not just us. There’s a God who created you to do something amazing. He wouldn’t have made you the way you are unless He loved you the way you are. If only you could have read this before.

Many joys, many successes will come, many good memories and laughter will end up happening, but right now I feel ok being sad. It’s not a bad thing. Let it out, don’t bottle it up. Bottled up stuff always ends up fermenting and going bad. Or making other things go bad.

In times like these, I know one thing. Beyond any feel good thing, and by the way, I believe feelings are good. They are essential. If you don’t have feelings you’re in a bad bad place. But beyond simply feel good, one thing comforts and creates hope like no other. The Lord is my light and salvation. Whom shall I fear? No one. The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? Absolutely no one at all. Though the worst things in life sling themselves my way in an ambush of apocalyptic proportions, I know one thing remains. God is love. He is love. That is all.