Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I love to laugh, so this is for your enjoyment

Things I learned from Godfather

Having just watched Godfather for the first time recently, I realized some things from the movie that relate to my life. Here goes:
Family should always come before business. If it's the other way round, both get messed up.

Be honest and loyal. If you don't, you will probably get wacked. You may get killed too if you're honest, but it won't be as bad.

If you're buying fruit, make sure someone has your back covered. Or just in general, have someone to watch your back. Otherwise you will probably get wacked.

Be faithful to one woman. If you end up going and ditching your current girlfriend and getting married in a different country, the girl you marry will probably die in a car bombing, and you'll end up marrying the first girl anyway. Way way too much drama.

Show respect.  Whether your father is the Godfather or not, show respect to others and they'll show respect to you. Otherwise the Godfather will have you wacked.

Be wise and strong. Don't let anyone push you around, but choose which fights to fight. And when you fight, go about it smart.

Life is unexpected. You may not want in the family business and then end up as the Godfather. Just chill out and take it as it comes.

Oh and have as much fun as you can