Have you ever met one of those people who is guarded? I'm sure you have, since everyone you met is human, has been hurt, and therefore is somewhat guarded. Its a defense mechanism built into the human psyche. Its a protection that happens.
Sometimes it comes out from in insecurity. "Perhaps they won't like the real me," you say. So you put up an idea of the ideal you, or what you perceive what others would want to see.
I don't want to see the "ideal" you. That person is fake. I want to get to know you. I want to get past the insecurities. If you are putting in the time and effort to get to know me, its just rude and misleading to throw up an image to keep you from the real me.
I want to be a real boy. I want you to see me as I am, and accept me. Warts and all. I don't want to come up and talk to your abrasive shield that you put up. Do both of us a favor and show the real self.
Does this mean I shouldn't change though if there are truly offensive parts of me?
No. If I truly care about you, which I should, I need to care about you enough to change those things so I don't hurt you. If I have an anger issue, I need to find out what's causing that anger so I don't trigger your defense again. I don't want you to open yourself up only for me to hurt you again.
But I want to know you. The only way I'll get less offensive and more effective as your friend and companion is to know the real you, and know what edges of myself I need to knock off. I will hurt you. That's a promise, although one I wish wouldn't happen. But, as an old proverb says, "as iron sharpens iron, so the countenance of one man sharpens another."
What will come will be even more beautiful and inspiring than what would have.
I would rather be scarred and still be flesh than totally calloused and covered over.